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The Sacred Union Within Queenhood

We, Nichole (IG: @neweathawakening) and Elitsa (IG: are beyond excited and honoured to unite our hearts in co-creating this special three-part offering for women in their 30s, 40s, and 50s navigating the turbulent waves of transformation into Queenhood. By weaving in the powers of Breathwork, Holy Fire Reiki, Usui Reiki, and soulful circle connections and inner explorations we will guide you through a transformational experience of Self to a sacred union of Body, Mind, and Soul, a sacred union of the masculine and feminine energies within, so that you can feel more connected, compassionate, and empowered and lead your Queen years with more harmony and grace.

Join us on:
Mar 2, 6pm - 8:45pm - Part 1: The Body
Mar 16, 6pm - 8:45pm - Part 2: The Mind
Mar 30, 6pm - 8:45pm - Part 3: The Soul

Where: the beautiful dOMe in Metchosin, B.C. (details to be provided upon registration)
Exchange: $222 for the series or $85/class
Bring: a comfy blanket, a pillow, a mat, a water bottle, a journal and a pen, and an item for the altar and/or crystals (optional)

Much love,

Nichole and Elitsa

January 5

The Sacred Union Within Queenhood