“Death is a reminder to live fully” Ram Dass
What is your relationship with death? Do you accept death as part of the life cycle or do you fear it?
Death of the physical body is the only certain thing in life, it is part of our existence. Change is the only constant. Everything in our life has a beginning and an end. Every breath is a reminder of this cycle: Inhale - birth, exhale - death. However, every ending leads to a new beginning. Are you allowing yourself to live fully and immerse in the cycle of life, to grow and flow, to let some things/situations/relationships/beliefs/attachments that no longer serve you die, so that something new more vital, joyful, fulfilling is born? So that when the time of the last breath comes you can look back and smile. Every breath carries a choice. Choice is freedom.
Join me for a deep exploration of the life cycle through inner inquiry and breathwork. An invitation to let go of fear for what could die in your life and allow loving acceptance, gratitude, surrender and response-ability to live consciously for a greater aliveness. Birth - Death - Rebirth.
When: Sep 29 6:00-8:30pm
Where: Metchosin, BC (details to follow for those that register)
Investment: $55
To register: https://empoweredessence.as.me/rebirth
What to expect:
Opening Circle
Cacao Ceremony
Inner Inquiry Exercise
Guided Meditation
Conscious Connected Breathwork (1 hour)
Sharing and Closing Circle
No previous experience needed. Come with curiosity and open heart.
Much love.
IG: @empoweredessence.ca